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 Candomblé & Umbanda

Magical knowledge of the Orisha traditions.

Private - in English possible
presencial or virtual

compensation based on time spent

You will learn...

  - For up to 14 Orishas:
    - Invocations & prayers
    - Offerings
    - Herbs for ablutions & baths
    - Magics & purifications
    - Learning to sense inner & outer forces
    - Incorporation
    - Initiation
- working with guides (Caboclos, Pretos Velhos, ...),
   if these show themeselves
- develop and strengthen your mediumship
- the safe handling of negative energies
- to help others with this knowledge
- ... and much more!

spirituelle Opfergabe
Blumen für Iemanja
brasilianische Magie
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