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 Reiki for animals

Help your animal darling.

Group courses - in German
1 evening of 3 hours
 â€‹- Fri 28/2/25
- Wed 3/12/25
17:00 - 20:30 (with break)
CHF 180.-

Private - in English possible
2-3 hours
for 1 person CHF 240.-

specifically for your own animal, incl. communication 
for 1
 person CHF 360.-

1st level of Reiki Usui

Most animals respond positively to Reiki and good results are usually achieved in harmonizing animal energy systems that have become unbalanced due to restlessness, illness, accident or other injuries. Animals generally enjoy the treatment and positive changes are seen more quickly than in humans.

Tieren helfen

In this additional course to the traditional Reiki Usui training you will learn how you can help animals with your Reiki knowledge: Stimulating self-healing powers, strengthening the immune system, reducing stress and anxiety through deep relaxation, releasing tension and blockages, relieving pain, releasing hardened behavioral patterns, as well as supporting therapeutic and medical measures.

You will learn...

  -  important know-how for energetic work
     on animals and about their energy system
  -  how to connect with the animal and ask it for
     ask permission for the Reiki treatment
  -  treatment procedure & hand positions for 
     Chakra balance & whole body treatment
  -  how you can effectively support the Reiki
     treatment with crystals and Bach flower remedies 

Mensch und Tier

You will receive... 

  -  a handout with the most
     important information
  -  a participation confirmation

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