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Shamanism - 2nd year
Deepen knowledge & experience energies in the annual cycle.
Traditional healing knowledge for today -
a multidisciplinary course
With our backpack of knowledge from the first year, we now walk through the annual cycle to experience the energies in flow and consciously allow ourselves to be carried and shaped by them. In doing so, you gain an even deeper insight into your psyche, and deepen your connection with the environment and your spiritual guidance. In thes growth process, you learn to let go of what needs to go in order to manifest your soul path.
Neben verschiedenen Werkzeugen der schamanischen und (natur-)psychologischen Prozessarbeit erfährst du die Arbeit mit den hiesigen Baumkräften und wie du die traditionellen Jahreskreisfeste unserer Vorfahren für dich stimmig zelebrieren kannst.
Group course - in German
New cycle starting January 2026 -
6 participants max.
Programme & dates see below
8 weekends of 10 hours each, Sat/Sun 10:00 - 17:00
CHF 3'200.-
1st year of shamanic training
If you wish, you will receive a certificate of attendance for this course and can deepen your knowledge with the follow-up course in the following year. You are also welcome to receive personal support during this year in parallel with the course if you are stuck somewhere in your own process and would like guidance.
What to bring:
- clothes for 90 minutes of outdoor nature work (in almost any weather!)
- comfortable clothes for indoors
- shamanic instruments
- items for the common altar
- water bottle
- notepad
1 Realign
- the Imbolc festival of February 1st
- working with trees: Harnessing the power of birch & spruce
- from being the victim to self-realization:
the archetype of the hero/heroine
- Where do I stand? Recognizing blockages in the flow of life
- Where do I want to go? Finding visions - formulating goals
- What do I need for this? Available resources within & without
- How do I proceed? Steps on the way to the goal
2 Find balance
- the Ostara festival of March 21st
- how our feelings work & dealing with (high) sensitivity
- surrender to the power of water, elm & copper beech:
Let hidden things come up, learn to accept and let go without regret
- activate hidden powers: The archetype of the priest/priestess
- experience your powerful center, find a balance between demarcation & opening up
- (energetic) self-determination: set & communicate healthy boundaries
- "Grandmother Moon" and her cycles
- moon magic
3 Break through barriers & unleash potential
- the Beltane Festival of April 30th/May 1st
- find strength & wisdom with oak & hawthorn,
dedicate yourself to our inner child
- the archetype of the healer:
Exercises & techniques for energetic self-healing
- understand the cosmic laws & how they work
- What is good for me and what is not?
learn to use the pendulum & kinesiological muscle testing
- release bonds & clear up relationships
4 Flourish
- the Litha festival of June 21st
- let the water, willow & lime tree open your heart,
for a loving relationship with yourself and others
- self-love & acceptance / how to better understand others
- workshop: make your own supportive room & aura sprays
- let go of stress & worries in the swamp, feel primal power & live authentically
- develop a healthy spirituality, based on the voice of your own heart, independent of
religious and social dogmas
5 Live pleasure & prosperity
- the Lughnasadh festival of August 1st
- experience strength & inspiration through the tall ash tree
- living mindfulness, presence & childlike lightness:
the archetype of the lover
- consciously shape the future:
shamanic work with time strands,
probability & possibility
- powerful manifestation
6 Harvest with gratitude & live powerfully
- the Mabon festival of September 21st/22nd
- between heaven & earth:
Mountain ash & hazel - sources of courage and strength
- from the collective to self-determination:
The archetype of the king/queen
- the power of liberated breath: exercises for centering & energizing
- stay strong despite challenges:
Work with the "inner team" & the magic of ygills
- workshop: build your own power instrument
7 Transition & the other side
- the Samhain festival of October 31st / November 1st
- with elder & yew safely to Frau Holle
down to the underworld, and back again
- come to terms with death:
Accept the finite nature of life
- understand mourning & grief processes
- ancestry work: ways to honor & reconciliate
8 Find the light
- the Yule festival of December 21st/22nd
- find the light behind the darkness with silver fir & sycamore,
gain peace & confidence
- sycamore - a role model for peace and responsibility
- harnessing the power of Thwelfhtide, the twelve nights between Christmas and the Epiphany
- experie yourself as an immortal soul in the human body:
astral travel & star affiliation
- Akashic Records: Read in the book of life, find your destiny & life purpose
Program changes are possible, as we work in and with the energies of the moment!
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