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After death

After death, the soul detaches from the body and goes into the light - but sometimes it needs help to do so. Why souls get stuck and how they can be helped.

Peaceful sleep

Not everyone falls asleep peacefully. Anyone who sees the transition coming due to old age or serious illness can prepare for it. Not only can worldly matters such as legacies be cleared up, but the person can also prepare themselves mentally to consciously conclude and, if necessary, clear up what needs to be cleared up.

Souls under shock

This is different in the case of accidents. If death occurs abruptly, this shocks the person's energy system. The person may be confused and not believe or want to believe that they have died and therefore not go into the light. Instead, they linger at the scene of the accident or attach themselves to a person who accompanies them from then on. This may be a family member or friend, or even a stranger.

We've all heard of castles that are said to be haunted: there are many places where lost souls linger, sometimes for a long time, as they may have died in a battle centuries ago.

Souls with "unfinished business"

Sometimes souls deliberately do not go into the light because they are still ready for it. This often happens after suicides. Cultural and religious beliefs can make a soul feel guilty and therefore not dare to go. There are also souls who wish to clear something up beforehand in order to be ready for this step.

Perceiving souls

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Souls who need help can make themselves known and are recognised by sensitive people. This can be perceived as unpleasant and frightening by the inexperienced. If you feel haunted or no longer yourself, suddenly sleep badly and have the feeling that you are haunted, you should seek professional help. The person will probably also ask if someone close to them or in their neighbourhood has died recently.

Helping relatives

The passing of a loved one takes a heavy toll on family members and friends. As our society demands that we always ‘function well’, many find it difficult to allow themselves to grieve. However, this is very important because holistic health requires working through the entire grieving process. Grief counselling can provide support and guidance for an individual or the whole family.

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