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Live the divine feminine

Step out of the hamster wheel and into feminine creativity.

Annual cycle with
monthly meetings
in German
Joining is possible at any time.

Dates & program below
12 evenings in total, 2.5 hours each,
17:30 - 20:30 (with break)

CHF 90.- per evening

Registration: Up to 1 week before the appointment.

Bring along:
Comfortable clothes, notebook, water bottle.


Our society is culturally and historically characterized by masculine energies such as the pressure to achieve and succeed. By reconnecting with our feminine (primal) power, we can step out of this cycle of "wanting to achieve but never being good enough", nurture our feminine qualities, come into our power and be fully female. By living masculine and feminine energies in mindful harmony, a healthy, respectful and loving relationship becomes possible; with ourselves, in our relationships and as a society.

This annual cycle offers a sacred space of gathering, sharing, learning and powerful healing work together among women. It honors the personal and intimate nature of this work, and that not everything may be verbalized and shared.

In addition to group activities, the communication of important background information from history and psychology for understanding and working, as well as the sharing of sacred women's knowledge for self-care, many inputs are given for personal rituals at home, where only you, your body and your history are present.


1  Being a woman in today's world: challenges & potential
  -  The role of women in today's world, the dilemma of our three main emotions
     & how we can get out 
  -  Heart respiration
  -  Cacao ceremony: A healing journey to your own femininity

  -  For working with you at home: time & space for you - your personal altar

January 16, 2025

2   The key lies in the past: the "revival" of the feminine
  -  Matriarchy & patriarchy: cultural-historical development
  -  Meditation journey to the three inner women
  -  Uterus respiration
  -  For your work with yourself at home: 
Reflection on the role of personal feminine archetypes within & without


February 13, 2025


3   Journey through the lunar cycle: New moon
  -  Moon cycle & moon phases, Inner & outer cycle
  -  The archetype of the healer: awaken the magic of your own "moon time"
  -  Shamanic journey into the "red tent"
  -  For your work with yourself at home: 
      Moon Mandala & Moon Blood Ritual

March 13, 2025

4   Journey through the lunar cycle: Waxing moon
  -  The archetype of adolescents:
     Discover the healing power of your feelings through the magic of (self-)acceptance

  -  Meditation for emotional acceptance & transformation
  -  For your work with yourself at home:  
   Teas, foot baths & dance


April 4, 2025


5   Journey through the lunar cycle: Full moon
  -  The archetype of the mother:
     Live your strength through (self-)care

  -  Aromatherapy for everyday life: herbs & essential oils
  -  For your work with yourself at home: 
Baths & self-massage

May 8, 2025

6   Journey through the lunar cycle: Waning moon
  -  The archetype of the wise old woman:
     Grow through reflection, recognition, letting go, purification & transformation

  -  Shadow work: from darkness to light, from fear to courage
  -  For your work with yourself at home: 
Cleansing breath & incense


June 5, 2025


7   Living the "wild woman"
  -  Explore correlations between your and the moon cycle
     for a fulfilled life in and with your power

  -  Transformation phase Menopause
  -  Working with healing stones: purchase, cleaning, preparation & various applications
  -  For your work with yourself at home: Moon compass & healing stone work

June 26, 2025

8   Sacred sexuality: The uterus and the 7 gates
  -  The sacred in and of sexuality
  -  Transformational journey through the 7 gates to the uterus
  -  The power & magic of yoni egg: external & internal use
  -  For your work with yourself at home: 
     Consolidation & follow-up of the journey

August 21, 2025

heilige Sexualität

9   Healing old wounds

  Learn how you can support your own healing process

  -  Own and inherited wounds

  -  Forgiveness with Ho'oponopono

  -  Healing journey to the "Sisterhood of the Ninefold"

  -  For your work with yourself at home: Ho'oponopono & Yoni egg

September 18, 2025

10   Making peace with the past: Healing the inner child
  -  The "construct" of the inner child:
     Emergence, potential & reconciliation work

  -  Meditative encounter with the inner child
  For your work with yourself at home: 
     You and your inner child in everyday life

kindliche Leichtigkeit

October 23, 2025


11   Personal heroine's journey into your power
  -  Die heroine's journey
  -  A detachment ritual
  -  Healing journey to the inner woman
  For your work with yourself at home:
Working with your own biography

November 20, 2025

12   Becoming whole - finding balance
  -  The sacred masculine, its role in society & for us as women
  -  Masculine & feminine energies in harmony
  -  Healing journey to the inner man
  -  Cycle completion ritual


December 12, 2025

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